Whats is Neobux and how make money
1. startingat time 0, we have no money in neobux, so a good idea is to get direct referrals. if you have no shame will be quite easy to discuss this with your buddies and more. neobux to consider them your referrals have to register through your link. earn an amount equal to half the money from your clicks. This is important in principle to progress rapidly. (you can omit this step but will be much slower and therefore less encouraging) your higher income later rented referrals will be but for now the key is to find people who are interested in the PTC.
2. rent referrals.when you get to $ 1, I advise to start rent 3 referrals for $ 0.90 which is the minimum amount allowed. the money generated by these referrals, coupled with the money generated by our clicks and our direct referrals we will pay the next round of rented referrals and so on.come a time when you will have enough money in your account and you can think of passing it on to your Paypal account or continue investing in renting referrals. That is a thing of the perspective that each one.however, remember that you have in neobux money is worthless, when it has value when passed to paypal account. Also keep in mind that if you have little money in neobux account may slow down your progress too so you have to find a balance.
3. things to consider.in the best your rented referrals a month would generate $ 0.625 each. to this we subtract the cost from your rent and net profit is $ 0325 a month on the best. however, there are times when people get tired and stop clicking and therefore we had no benefits even having paid their rent. if this happens to you, you can recycle a referral for $ 0.08. if you do that will change that referral for another trial. therefore need to be aware of the statistics of your referrals. general rule, if your referral clicking stops for 3 or 4 days, or if you have half below 1.5 recycle it!rent is as simple as clicking on: rent referrals in a green box on the right side of the screen of your statistics. after that choose the referral package that interests us. (3-10-20-50 or 100 rented referrals)Another important thing is that only you can rent a package of referrals each week. This does not mean that those work for only one week but you can only buy one course per week. that is, if you bought a package of 3 referrals today until next week you can not buy more.
4. be golden.I personally recommend having golden over time and when you have as many referrals. still golden, the benefits multiply and thus get $ 0.01 per click from your referrals, and in turn referred renting will cost only $ 0.2 approximately (varies depending on the number of referrals you have.) winnings are multiplied almost by 3. the downside, it costs $ 90.is considered that at the time you have 300 referrals will always be more profitable golden membership.I hope this will help and encourage them to start.

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